Rarity: Super Rare
Card Number: BT19-037 SR
Type: N/A
Color: Yellow
Play Cost: 5
Card Text
[Hand] [Counter] [Blast Digivolve] (Your Digimon may digivolve into this card without paying the cost.)
[On Play] [When Digivolving] If it's your turn, you may use 1 single-color use cost 5 or lower Option card from your hand without paying the cost. If it's your opponent's, for the turn, give 1 of their Digimon [Security A. - 1] and it can't activate [When Digivolving] effects.
ACE Overflow "-3" (As this card moves from the field or under a card to an area other than those, lose 3 memory.)
[On Play] [When Digivolving] If it's your turn, you may use 1 single-color use cost 5 or lower Option card from your hand without paying the cost. If it's your opponent's, for the turn, give 1 of their Digimon [Security A. - 1] and it can't activate [When Digivolving] effects.
ACE Overflow "-3" (As this card moves from the field or under a card to an area other than those, lose 3 memory.)
Inherited Effect
[When Attacking] 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -4000 DP for the turn.
Illustrator: koki
Set: Release Special Booster 2.5
Printing: Foil
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